Status and fees


PairTrade FeeMin orderStatus
BTC/RSD0.25 %0.0001inactive
SFX/RSD0.25 %10inactive
SFT/RSD0.25 %10inactive
ETH/RSD0.25 %0.0001inactive
SFX/BTC0.25 %1.2inactive
SFT/BTC0.25 %10inactive
ETH/BTC0.25 %0.0001inactive
SFT/SFX0.25 %10inactive
ETH/SFX0.25 %0.0001inactive
WSFX/SFX0.05 %0.0001inactive

Deposits & Withdrawals

BTCfreeinactive 0.00051 BTCinactive
RSD1.1 %inactive 1.1 %inactive
SFXfreeinactive 2 SFXinactive
WSFXfreeinactive 10 WSFXinactive
SFTfreeinactive 5 SFTinactive
ETHfreeinactive 0.0033 ETHinactive


Crypto deposits are processed in real time 24/7. They are credited to your account once the transaction reaches the minimum confirmation times on its respective blockchain.

Fiat deposits are processed only during the Business Hours of the respective currency. Monday- Friday daily deposits are processed except on banking holidays


Crypto withdrawals are processed at least once per day. All withdrawals undergo auditing and verification prior to being authorized to be released. These measures are in place to protect the user experience of this exchange. Crypto withdrawals are processed by at least 12:00pm UTC when all withdrawals for the previous 24 hours will be processed. Xcalibra utilizes automation in the withdrawal process, however, only after an auditor's scrutiny.

Fiat withdrawals are processed daily by noon of the respective national headquarters for the previous 24 hours of withdrawal requests.